...Now and for always.
Books have served use for many reasons over the years. They provide educate us, entertain us, provide an outlet for therapy, help us connect with others, help us share our good times and bad... and help us escape.
Many people say they don't like to read. I find this an extremely sad commentary. However, when I dig a little deeper, I often uncover the truth of the matter to be something else... People just have a hard time finding a book they like.
We have such a variety of genres and so many authors out there, but how do we find a book that we are sure will be about what we like? As one possible solution, I came up with
ShortBooks by Snow Flower. These books are created based on 12 questions about your loved one.
I want their new favorite book to be the one made specifically for them by including their favorite elements and blending them into a unique and new story.
"their new favorite book... made specifically for them"
Ordering is simple. An invoice will follow and the work will begin. Keep in mind the time it takes to make your special ShortBook when ordering. You'll receive a paperback edition in ShortBook time.
Check out the ShortBooks by Snow Flower that already exist on my home
website. And if you're interested in helping me get my business off the ground, you can donate to my ad campaign