Monday, July 20, 2015

The Red Pen: How Authors Can Make More Money

The Red Pen: How Authors Can Make More Money: As an author, do you purchase copies of your own books to sell in public? You should. When I sold a paperback copy of one of my novels on Amazon...

Click on the link above to read the helpful article by author Jeff LaFerney.

He covers 8 ways to sell your books and his experiences of effectiveness.

1. Call local libraries and ask if they have any events.

2. Call local bookstores and see if they will let you set up shop.

3. Check the internet for author expos.

4. Get the word out that you’re looking for book clubs or writers’ groups.

5. Town festivals.

6. Look up farmer’s markets and flea markets.

7. Craft shows have been very good to me.

8. Art in the park events.

Check it out at  The Red Pen: How Authors Can Make More Money for more details!


  1. It's a huge job to be an author, isn't it?

    1. I've sold thousands of books in public, Lee. More indie authors should try it. I make more per book than on on-line sales too.
