Monday, May 11, 2015

A to Z: All About Ann

First day of my modified A to Z Challenge.

My theme is going to be me and my books... not trying to be narcissistic, just to let you get to know me and invite you into the unique world within my mind. Perhaps you'll hear the Rambling Voices.

Well, I'm from a large family, moved a lot, had struggles growing up... fairly normal there. I learned to read before I started school. My mother taught me using the Dick and Jane series as well as Dr. Seuss and others. My love of books only grew from there.

In school, I would look for books at library time and was even told I couldn't take out books that were "too hard" for me. (higher reading levels that I could actually read) This discouragement didn't stop me. We simply went to the public library.
Salutations from Ann Snizek

Thinking back, I almost always had paper and pencil or a book with me. Friends from elementary school still remember today that I would spend recess tucked out of the way, writing about whatever my imagination showed me. They were my first reviewers.

My interest, imagination, and passion continued to grow, fed by quality authors that nourished my creativity with their own. Great writers like A. A. Milne, Madeline L'Engle, Judy Blume, Wilson Rawls, E. B. White, J. R. R. Tolkien, Anne McCaffrey, Richard Adams, Isaac Asimov, L. M. Montgomery, and so many more.

This love hasn't left me. I continue to see out and enjoy wonderful authors, but now my passion has grown so that I want to share my own imagination with others. I want to open up doors you never knew existed.

When you are filled with a passion for something, anything, it bubbles inside you until it finds a release, and then explodes with incredible force. Please join with me as I continue to learn and grow and explode.

As we travel together, feel free to ask me questions. I'll do my best to answer them.

Here are 3 other blogs that I just discovered during my challenge. I've added them to my "watch" list.

  1. Read Breathe Relax - great blog with a lot of great books and well organized!
  2. Amid the Imaginary - A nice looking site with straightforward reviews. It's cute!
  3. Ashley's Bookshelf - Great review blog! Something for everyone.

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