Thursday, May 14, 2015

A to Z: Dos & Don'ts

Os & DON'Ts

It seems like Dos and Don'ts are always appearing in life. Here's an attempt to collect some of the ones I've learned. 


Write what you know
Connect with your readers
Show with your words
Be clear and concise
Keep your focus
Embrace opportunities
Create opportunities
Set goals
Work hard
Have fun
Write, write, write


Give Up
Tell without showing
Ignore your audience
Be too wordy
Forget where you come from
Lose your passion
Take on too much
Fear success or rejection
Beat yourself up
Forget that failure is an opportunity to learn and grow

I'm sure there are many, many more that aren't listed here, but I also feel certain I've covered some major points. Not all of these are easy to follow through with. We all falter occasionally. The point is we keep going... we don't let life's downs KEEP us down.

And another DON'T..... 

Don't mess with a writer.

(See WARNING below)


Here are 3 more blogs that I just discovered during my challenge. I've added them to my "watch" list.

  1. The Bohemian House Wife - cute little site. Nothing flashy, but a nice mix of posts. 
  2. Fang-Freaking-Tastic Reviews - 1st: LOVE the name! Great review blog. xoxo
  3. SFBook Reviews - WOW! What a site! TONS of great books & MORE! Archives from 1999!

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